Not all movies turned into TV shows are a total failure, both by the critics’ and the audience’s judgment. These 10 movies turned into shows...
“Why so serious?” asked the Joker in The Dark Knight, but these 12 hilarious actors seem to know the right answer to this epic question....
Breakups are hard, and everyone needs to find their own way of grieving the relationship that ended. Even if you wanted it to end, it...
If we learned anything from the movie business, it’s the fact that the longer a film is stuck in development hell, the more changes happen...
Oh, that Simon Pegg. He certainly knows how to make a comedy. ‘Hot Fuzz’ gives the same comic treatment to the Hollywood genre of the...
Frozen is the latest Disney film, telling the tale of two sisters entangled in a frozen mess within their fairytale home. Elsa (Idina Menzel) is...
The Hangover Part III is the third film in the series of the popular Hangover movies. Once again the movie follows the three members of...
Monsters University is the prequel to 2001’s much-loved Monsters, Inc. It takes place well before the original, when our two favorite monsters, Mike Wazowski and...
The Eighties were a time of extremes, from big hair and mullets, to colorful, over the top clothing – think neon colors, oversized shoulder pads...
Imagine that Elvis Presley traded places with an Elvis impersonator so he could live a carefree life without the burden of being “The King”. Further,...
You don’t have to be a stoner to enjoy these stoner movies. 1. Super High Me “Super High Me” is a takeoff to the concept...
If you are a fan of cinematic comedy, the last decade was filled with a huge number of movies that will truly make you laugh...
1. Gigli (2003) It may have been the straw that made Ben and J-Lo decide it wasn’t working out. One of two dismally received films...