20 Awesome Movies That You Haven’t Seen… And Should!


6. Secretary (Steven Shainberg, 2002)

A romantic drama about a domineering attorney and his submissive secretary. Starring James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhall, it’s a unique tale about sadomasochism in the workplace.

Maggie Gyllenhall would go on to find a great deal of success throughout her career in a wide variety of different roles.

Most famously, she took over for Katie Holmes in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight” after the former actress was unavailable to return due to scheduling conflicts.

Her image is also used in the second sequel to “Batman Begins,” which was titled “The Dark Knight Rises” and was released in 2013. With all of the popularity of the “Fifty Shades of Gray” trilogy, this movie is back in the forefront as a must see for people who are into watching movies about dominance and sadomasochism.

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This movie was before Maggie Gyllenhall became well known and she would probably turn down the role now. We love her acting and this is an incredible tale of betrayal and deceit. Recently released from a mental hospital, Maggie’s character is desperate for work and she takes a job with a demanding attorney.

Gillenhall was nominated for a Golden Globe award for her role in this movie.