15 Of The Most Ridiculous Films That Actors Should Be Ashamed Of


2. Gigli

“Gigli” was a film that was released at the height of “Bennifer” mania.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, two of the most popular celebrities of the 2000s, were a couple that was talked about in the press heavily at the time of the film’s release.

“Gigli” was supposed to pair the two together in a crime-based romantic comedy that would play off that inherent chemistry.

Martin Brest, director of such classics as “Beverly Hills Cop,” was set to direct a supporting cast that included Al Pacino and Christopher Walken.

The film turned out to be a huge disaster that cost several of the main actors their careers. Jennifer Lopez was no longer considered a bankable leading lady and Ben Affleck suffered a career downturn that he has only recently begun to pull himself out of.

The film’s plot, which features a hitman who successfully gets a lesbian hitwoman to fall in love with him all while taking care of a mentally handicapped young man that he kidnapped in an ill-conceived extortion attempt, was somehow not the most ridiculous part of the whole affair. If Ben Affleck didn’t go on to have a successful career as a director, he may have never worked again after this bomb.