20 Iconic Movie Scenes That Nearly Killed Their Stars

die another day

6. Halle Berry: Die Another Day

We all know Pierce Brosnan is quite the ladies’ man, womanizer and a lady-killer, but during the filming of the famous “Bond” movie “Die Another Day” he could have indeed become a lady-killer. Literally.

So, what actually happened? In one passionate love scene, Halle almost choked to death on a piece of fruit.

Namely, during this hot moment in the movie, she cuts off a chunk of a fig using her bowie knife, puts it in her mouth and shares it with Pierce while they resume the act of kissing.

Sounds yummy, right? But, was it really?

Apparently, she got so caught up in the moment of passion with Pierce (we can’t really blame any of them, right?) that she started choking on that piece of fruit and since the scene was so dark, no one from the crew noticed what was actually going on.

Now, Brosnan might have been the cause of this incident, but he actually ended up being the hero. If it wasn’t for him and his fast reaction to perform the Heimlich maneuver, she might have either passed out or died right there on the movie set.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, his name is Brosnan. Pierce Brosnan.