Top 12 creepy horror movies that you shouldn’t watch alone


6. Hellraiser

Hellraiser is a weird movie. The main character is a skinless man who is accidentally returned from the dead by his brother.

He convinces the beautiful young woman who loved him in life to bring him the blood he needs to restore himself fully to life.

She obliges by luring men to the house and then murdering them. Once her creepy undead boyfriend is restored to life, that’s when the movie gets really strange.

You will need to watch it to find out exactly what that means. Give yourself a stack of cushions to hide behind during the scariest bits. The movie opens with a character named Frank purchasing a mysterious puzzle box from a dealer in Morocco.

The box turns out to be far more than he anticipated. Frank is drawn into a nightmarish world that soon begins to affect other members of his family.

Rent or Buy “Hellraiser” now

The film was directed by English artist Clive Barker and adapted from his novel “The Hellbound Heart.” The original film has spawned nine other movies. In 2013, Clive Barker announced to fans that he was working on a reboot of the first film that was going to be even darker than the first attempt.