The Best 15 Movies To Watch After A Breakup


14. Notting Hill

A modern-day Cinderella tale with a twist in gender roles, Notting Hill is one of the greatest breakup movies of all time.

Hugh Grant plays the role of William Thacker, an average British man who owns a small bookstore.

His life suddenly changes when world-famous actor Anna Scott (played by Julia Roberts) walks through the doors of his shop. After some time passes, William encounters Anna again, and he, naturally, spills orange juice all over her.

A Modern Cinderella Tale with English Charm – Watch Now

He invites her to his home so she could clean up, and before she leaves, she kisses him. They fall in love and after breaking up because of a public incident, and later on Will’s poor judgment, the couple finally finds a way of resolving everything and living happily ever after.