10 Best Sci-Fi/Horror Movie Halloween Masks


3. Pig Mask in Saw Franchise (2004)

Pigs are generally not terrifying animals but the prop worn in the Saw franchise used to conceal the identity of the serial killer Jigsaw and his helpers causes disgust and repulsion.

Being that it is a rotting pig’s head, the mask symbolizes the antagonist’s pessimistic view of the world and the year when he started his work, the year of the pig according to Chinese horoscope.

The long black hair and liquid matter running down the pig’s nose and ears makes the mask look more gruesome, and after seven Saw franchise films we can say that the pig mask is definitely the staple of the movie.

You can pair the mask with a red cloak or a green military-style jacket and you’ve got yourself a horror-film inspired mask for this year’s Halloween party.

Prepare for a Halloween Party! Order a Pig Mask with Hair here

It may not be a chick magnet but you will show your friends who’s the boss of horror-film costumes.