25 Worst Movies Ever


16. Went to Coney Island on a Mission From God… Be Back By Five (1998)

Fans of independent film applaud the genre for authenticity, edginess, and a deep plunge into the human condition.

Unfortunately, “Went to Coney Island” fails on all fronts.

Although critical reviews were mixed, many critics and moviegoers noted the flat acting and dragging storyline as the primary reasons for the film’s lack of appeal.

Remember Jon Cryer? He’s now on “Two and a Half Men,” and a few decades ago, he played Duckie in the 1986 movie “Pretty in Pink.” Compared to his performance as Daniel in “Went to Coney Island,” either of his notable roles represent the highest caliber of acting prowess.

The plot is promising by independent film standards. Pawn shop worker Daniel and his alcoholic friend Stan (Rick Stear) head to Coney Island to locate their friend Richie, fearing that his mental illness has left him homeless. What should have been a compelling story of human struggle, though, melts in a puddle of depressing goo as Daniel and Stan wander the broken landscapes of then-defunct Coney Island.

Tedious lulls, moping that would put “Twilight” to shame, and dismal scenery will leave you wondering how a movie with such an intriguing title could be so completely boring.