15 Movie Mistakes You Might Have Missed


3. Time Travel in Braveheart

There is a battle scene in “Braveheart” in which William Wallace and his group charge the enemy using long spears.

During the large battle scenes, look toward the lower left of the screen just as they make their charge. You’ll see a white van in the middle of the field. Time traveler or bad continuity? You decide.

This continuity error was likely created not by the van, but by the cameraman. In all likelihood, the van hadn’t moved for several hours.

The cameraman just positioned the lens in exactly the wrong spot at exactly the wrong time to capture the van on film in all of its glory.

Boom microphones, tripods and tooth fillings are also sent from the future to star in the movie. The casting directors used members of the Irish Territorial Army as extras during the large battle scenes.

During the scenes, sunglasses, digital watches and even running shoes can be seen on various cast members despite the director having to reshoot most of the scenes for that very reason. However, the realistic fight scenes are a result of the different companies of the Irish Army taking the opportunity to settle some scores and beat the life out of each other during filming.