15 Blockbusters You Must See Before You Die


The film industry is definitely going berserk producing thousands of new cinematographic achievements every year, however, some movies are so well written and remarkably directed, that you simply must see them before you die.

Sure, we are aware that film taste is pretty much as diverse as human beings themselves, but some visual and theatrical creations simply must be regarded as masterpieces. Thus, here is one version of 15 blockbuster movies you simply must see before you kick that bucket.

We are pretty sure these films will change your perspective on cinema, fiction and life altogether, however, feel free to fill in all the gaps we left vacant. There are many of them, that is for sure.

(Minor spoilers ahead)

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

As we decided to go retrospectively, we’ll start from Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece from 1968, co-written by Arthur C. Clarke and Kubrick himself.

This movie’s genius definitely lies in its clever and groundbreaking use of perspective and narrative tension to tell this amazingly compelling story.

Kubrick does it so brilliantly in almost every movie, so one might wonder why any film by this director isn’t on the list, but “2001: A Space Odyssey” is the one that defined Kubrick as a filmmaker.

Being one of the greatest sci-fi masterpieces ever written, and focusing on universal concepts of life, death, evolution, rebirth, and accompanied by special effects and photographical composition that still remain awesome, this movie is undoubtedly a must-see for every film buff out there.